

エヌ・シー・ジャパンは、MMORPG「リネージュ」において、アップデートの情報を公開しました。2007年6月26日(火)に実装予定の「リネージュ エピソード6 ラスタバド〜決戦〜」。今回公開されるのは、「欲望の洞窟」の情報です。

PCゲーム オンラインゲーム
Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage R and Lineage R the Cross Rancor are registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation.  1998-2007 c Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage the Cross Rancor in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
エヌ・シー・ジャパンは、MMORPG「リネージュ」において、アップデートの情報を公開しました。2007年6月26日(火)に実装予定の「リネージュ エピソード6 ラスタバド〜決戦〜」。今回公開されるのは、「欲望の洞窟」の情報です。



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