

〜「ソード オブ ミラクル」、「ダマスカス ソード」を抽選でプレゼント!〜

PCゲーム オンラインゲーム
Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
〜「ソード オブ ミラクル」、「ダマスカス ソード」を抽選でプレゼント!〜

PC向けオンラインゲーム「リネージュII 〜The Chaotic Throne〜」(以下、「リネージュII」)をサービス、運営しているエヌ・シー・ジャパン株式会社(東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:金 澤憲(キム テクホン))は、2007年9月21日(金)〜2007年10月16日(火)に、「エンタマップ秋のプレゼントキャンペーン!」を開催いたします。


ゲーム内で人気の高い武器「ソード オブ ミラクル」、「ダマスカス ソード」をはじめとする全12種類のゲーム内アイテムやソフマップポイント還元等、様々な賞品をご用意しております。



Aグレード武器 抽選で1名
ソード オブ ミラクル(1名)

Bグレード武器 抽選で合計6名
ダマスカス ソード(2名)、ハザード ボウ(2名)、死者の栄光(2名)

ヘアアクセサリー 抽選で合計12名
デーモン サークレット(3名)、名品ゴールド サークレット(3名)、とんがり帽子(3名)、独眼(3名)

消耗品 抽選で合計81名

5000ポイント還元 抽選で10名


《階堂 綾野》


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