
「UEFAチャンピオンズリーグ」搭載!PS3/Xbox360『ウイイレ 2009』11月27日発売 1枚目の写真・画像

KONAMIは、人気サッカーゲームシリーズの最新作となる『ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン 2009』を、2008年11月27日(木)にPS3とXbox360で発売すると発表した。

ソニー PS3
ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン 2009
(C)1996 JFA Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. “adidas”, the 3-Bars logo and the 3-Stripe trade mark are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. Teamgeist is a trade mark of the adidas Group, used with permission. the use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. c The Football Association Ltd 2007. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. copyright FFF Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC (C) 2001 Korea Football Association Special thanks to SEJIN, MUKTA, Eunho, Denis for Korea National Team data All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. Licensed by OLIVEDESPORTOS (Official Agent of the FPF) Producto oficial licenciado RFEF (C) 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel (R) Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV Gioco ufficialmente concesso in licenza della LEGA NAZIONALE PROFESSIONISTI (C) & TM 2008 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd Manchester United crest and imagery (C) MU Ltd Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. (C) 2008 Konami Digital Entertainment ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン 2009

ソニー アクセスランキング

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